Montana Coalition of Home Educators
MCHE History in Pictures
Over the years, Montana home schooling families from across the state have been active in legislative issues affecting their God-given rights to instruct their children. Below are some memories of some of those important battles:

Legislative Day 1991 in the Montana Capitol with Governor Stan Stephens, and hundreds of home school students from across the state.

Legislative Day 1993 in the Montana Capitol with Governor Racicot, MCHE Steve White and Senator Gage (Cut Bank)
Home school students with Governor Racicot, from across Montana singing 'Montana' on the Capitol steps (Bob Welker directing)
For a number of legislative sessions, home school support groups from across the state made beautiful banners to hang in the Capitol Rotunda highlighting home education in Montana:

In the 2007 Montana legislative session, more than 4000 home schooling parents and supporters gathered in the Montana Capitol to oppose draconian legislation introduced by Senator Don Ryan (Great Falls) aimed squarely against home school families. The bill was defeated in committee.

Heading to important hearings in 1991.On the steps to the Capitol is MCHE Steve White, HSLDA President Mike Farris, MCHE Mark Gerber (L-R).